Curt's Best Shots Slideshow

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Hey All. . . 

Just wanted you to know that there won't be a post tonight, but I'll try to have it up tomorrow night.  Jay has been in the hospital since Sunday, and I just brought him home this evening.  I've been so busy running between home and the hospital that I haven't had the time (or honestly, the desire) to create.  I do have things to post, but was just too tied up with all that is going on to get it published tonight.  I hope you will indulge me an extra night.  Nothing too serious with Jay. . .just another severe bladder/urinary tract infection.  With MS, this takes him almost to a weak, almost helpless situation.  So, that's the reason for not getting to your blogs this week. . .I'm so sorry I didn't get to visit.  But I'll catch up, I promise.  No need to comment on this post.  Don't want to have you comment on this one and then on tomorrow's.  Just wanted you to know what is going on and why there wasn't a post.  Thanks for your understanding. . .

Hope you are all having a better week than I am having. . .




Patti J said...

Thinking of and praying for you both, dear friend. Hugs and blessings...

mudmaven said...

Hang in there Curt! You're both in my thoughts and prayers. ~chris

Leigh said...

Take care Curt.

Audrey Frelx said...

Hope Jay gets better very soon! My prayers to you both!!!

Whenever you can post, I'll be here -- don't rush! Take care of Jay and yourself!!!

Brenda & Ian said...

I have never posted to your blog before. But since I accidentally came upon it some months back I always wait for Wednesday...or whenever you can make it (hee hee).

Remember you are doing all this for our pleasure. We know how to delay our gratification. Please, remember you and your partner come first. Remember we will always understand. Take a breath and get to us when you can. Prayers and good thoughts for you BOTH>


Becky said...

Hugs & Blessings
And I will comment tomorrow :)

Sue said...

Hi Curt
whenever you post is fine with us, wishing Jay a speedy recovery, don't run yourself ragged, hugs to you both, sue,x

Lorraine said...

Big hugs for Jay get well soon and a hug for you for hanging in there. Jersey UK

Dee in N.H. said...

Hugs for both of you.......

Dee in N.H. said...

Hugs for both of you.......

tilly said...

Hope Jay is feeling much better now he is home, Hugs to you both

Stacie (craft-princess) said...

Sorry to hear Jay had to go back into the hospital but I'm glad he is better and got to come home! :)
Take care and don't worry....we aren't going anywhere so take your time posting!

Jocelyn aka JoBear2 said...

Thinking of you and sending many {{{hugs}}}} from across the miles to both you and Jay. Hope Jay will be back home soon. Take care!


Jackie said...

I'm glad he's feeling well enough to come home. You take care of yourself and don't stress out about posting!

Gina Lindsay said...

Hoping Jay is feeling better soon. Take care!

Mary said...

Glad to hear that Jay is home and doing better, you take care too!

Dawnll said...

Bless your heart Curt- that poor poor Jay.
Sending hugs and positive thoughts to both of you.

Gina Wrona said...

No worries, your creations/post are always worth waiting for, but most important is you and Jay on the road to recovery. Get well soon!


Gail L said...

Take care of yourselves.
Thinking of you!

Louise Fox said...

Curt, Not to worry - we would rather you take care of the important things - Jay and yourself! Life is too short and too precious to worry about the "small" stuff. Praying for you both! Post when you can - it leaves me something to look forward to. Blessings.

Susan said...

Curt: I echo what all of these other fine folks have said. We love your blog; but, mostly, we love you and Jay (and the boys). So take care of Jay, and of yourself. Big hugs. Sue

Tertia said...

Thinking of both of you and sending big hugs and lots of prayers from a very cold South Africa.
Take as long as you need to be with Jay, we will be here when you get back.

Elaine M said...

You, Jay and your boys are what's most important to us - we love you guys like family. Take care of yourself and get all the rest you can. We'll be here when you've got everything under control (as best you can). Prayers and hugs sweet friends.

cardscrapper said...

Sending prayers your way for both you and Jay. I am praying for his speedy recuperation and a lot less stress for you! Looking forward to your post and really love those BOYS!

Bonnie Weiss said...

Well wishes to Jay and as for the post ... you are so worth waiting for and we will all be back here when you post next.

Sue said...

OH NO, so sorry to hear Jay was in the hospital. That running back and forth to the hospital is so exhausting........thinking of you both and keeping you in my prayers.
Blogging is supposed to be fun not a job, do what you need to do for yourself and Jay, we will be here when you can come out and play!!

{{big Hug}}

Sharli Schaitberger said...

I'm keeping you and Jay in my prayers - these ups and downs are no fun. I'm waiting patiently and would comment more quickly for your personal concerns that even for the art work - so it was rather silly to ask me not to comment. I love you both -


Sue Ann said...

OH NO ~~ I am so sorry to read this post, I know you have had some week!! Now might be the time to revisit the bottle of wine. I hope things get back to normal for you soon!!! xoxox

richardbreaks said...

Sending good thoughts your way, Curt and Jay. Hope things get easier for you both soon. Take a week off! Get some rest!

Carmen O. said...

Sorry to read you and Jay have such a difficult week. Hope things are WAY better by now. Remember to take care of YOU too!



Anonymous said...

Hugs and prayers for both of you sweetie!!!!

Percy said...

Curt, Hope Jay is feeling better! Big hugs to both of you!!

Lori Barnett said...

Try to get rest for yourself in there somewhere Curt. I will keep you and Jay in my prayers. ((((hugs))))

Susan (rainy) said...

Curt, hope all is well and that Jay is feeling better. Post when you can, my friend, and don't worry about it. Top priority is of course Jay (and yourself!). Hugs, Susan

Wendalyn said...

I Hope Jay is feeling better.. You are both in my thoughts...

Susan said...

Hi Curt: I just wanted to let you know that you and Jay are ever in my prayers and thoughts. Big hugs to you both. Take care. Sue

Audrey Frelx said...

Hi, Curt. You didn't post Wednesday or Thursday, and it's Monday again. I do hope all's well!!!

Missed you, and will pray that you and Jay are doing okay.

Hugs, my friend!

Wanda said...

Sorry to hear about Jay. I hope he has a speedy recovery.

Krissy said...

Thinking of you and praying for Jay!

Shirley said...

Now I know I have lost it. I was thinking about all that you do for Jay during the last post and used his name when I meant you, of course!!! LOLOLOL Curt, my friend, he is so lucky to have a friend like you. That's what relationships are all about, isn't it! Hang in there, we all love you both!

Macpurp said...

Hope Jay is feeling better, and you are taking care of yourself too. love to your doggy boys.
Teen & co xx

Celeste said...

Hugs and prayers to both of you!