Curt's Best Shots Slideshow

Monday, May 7, 2012


Hey All!

As the title of this blog post implies, I truly am a very lucky guy.  I want to thank all of you for the incredible support you have given me as I traveled through this change in my life.  It's just not the selling a house you love, buying another house to start again, and moving, it is all that and the reasons for having to do so.  This is really a new chapter in my life, and as the journey begins, I know I have all of you traveling it with me. . .thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Here's the news. . . .Our house sold in 12 days and we bought our "pool house" the very same day.  It was touch and go for awhile because the day we received our offer, the pool house received an offer.  We ended up in a bidding war, but the war was won!  We close on the properties at the end of June and I couldn't be more happy, excited, and relieved.

Someone asked if I would supply the link to the new home and I would be more than happy to.  You can see pics of our new house HERE.  When you see the main picture of the house, click on it and you'll see the pictures in a bigger format.  I'd love to know what you think.

Again, thanks for your prayers, positive comments, and good wishes.  They, as you, mean the world to me.



"God, please help me be the person that my dogs think I am."