Curt's Best Shots Slideshow

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Hello All. . .

I've been missing in action for the last few weeks and thought maybe I should let you all know why.  Several of you have emailed me to check in and I thank you for thinking of me.

My sweet Gunther was diagnosed with cancer.  Long story short, we found a very aggressive tumor on one of his toes on his left front paw.  We thought at first that he had just broken a nail to the paw pad, but quickly saw the tumor growing.  Come to find out that it was the tumor that pushed the nail out.  We opted for surgery and he had the toe amputated.  It was sent to Chicago for biopsy and it came back positive for cancer.  The particular cancer is called Squamous Cell Carcinoma.  We've had two good pieces of news so far.  The pathologist said that this particular cancer, though aggressive, is slow to metastasize, and from the view of the amputation, it looks like our vet got all of the tumor.

He got his stitches removed today and while at the vet, we tried to get a biopsy of his lymph nodes on the left side of his chest.  The doctor said she felt that they were a little swollen and wanted to biopsy a sample to make sure there were none of the cancer cells present.  However, after 4 attempts, all she could get were "fat cells".  So, we just have to keep watch for signs that it has spread.  This type of cancer usually spreads to the lungs.  Our vet is going to consult with an oncologist to see what we might need to do as far as chemo etc. if needed.

So, as you can imagine, battling Gunther's desire to rip off bandages whenever I wasn't looking, taking care of him and all of Jay's care demands, the depression has won out more than not and I've had no desire to "create".  All this is happening so close to the loss of Shotsy.  I'm sorry that I haven't visited any of you as well, but my mind and heart are elsewhere at the moment and I hope you will understand.

I do hope you are all well, and I miss you.



"God, please help me be the person that my dog thinks I am."


Anonymous said...

Oh, no! I'll be keeping Gunther, Jay and especially you in my thoughts and prayers, Curt. Take care of yourself! nise

Leigh said...

Curt, I'm so very, very sorry to hear about Gunther. What a dreadful thing to happen. Thinking of you all, please take care.

Sue from Oregon said...

Oh my sure has been a tough year for you. I am just sending you a great big ole hug to share around the house. Take care my friend!

ursula Uphof said...

How dreadful for you Curt. Sending big hugs to you all and prayers as well. Jus take care of YOURSELF too. hugs, Ursula

tilly said...

what a horrible time you have been having, the last eighteen months have not been the best. I hope all the cancer was found and you can see some light at the end of the tunnel, my best wishes and thoughts to all of you

Alli said...

Curt you do what you've got to do to take care of life.... creating will be there when you're ready!
We'll be here waiting to be inspired by you!
Hang in there kind sir!

mudmaven said...

Oh Curt, I'm so sorry to hear about Gunther. You have been through so much lately. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with all of you as you struggle to get through this. ~chris

Beth Norman said...

Curt, my heart goes out to you. You have been through so much. Sending great big hugs.

Diane said...

OMG Curt, I can fully understand where you are coming from....your poor, poor baby. I often often sometimes wonder why when there are so many evil people out there, why our wouldn't hurt anybody fur babies have to be the ones to suffer. You and you big fur baby are in my thoughts and prayers.....take care my friend!! Hugs to you and Gunther!!! I hope Jay is doing well, too!!

Joan Fricker said...

Curt, I am so sorry to hear about Gunther and I so hope the vet got all the cancer. Our pets are so much a huge part of our lives and when they hurt we hurt. We totally understand the stress you feel and your lack of motivation to be creative.

Bonnie Weiss said...

Sending hugs ... I wish I could do more.

Mary Ann said...

So very sorry to hear about Gunther,I will keep you both in my prayers,God Bless!!!

MargaretD said...

How overwhelming! You have a lot on your plate. Make sure you take care of yourself!

Traci Davis said...

Bless your heart Curt, what a terrible time you've had lately. I did not even know about Shotsy, I'm so sorry for your loss. Now to have this happen with Gunther so soon is so sad. I am praying for you and your little guy. Pets leave paw prints on our hearts...hang in there.

Myrna said...

Such unhappy news about Gunther. Thinking of you often and I certainly understand where you are coming from with your furbaby, Jay and no will to craft.
Keeping you in thoughts and prayers.
As they keep telling me; look after yourself because if you get sick there is no one to help the others.

Marianne J. said...

Oh, Curt, I am so sorry to hear this news! I am crying right now because I know how precious these lives are to us. I hope that all will go well for Gunther.

Jean S said...

Curt ~
I'm so sorry that Gunther and you had to deal with this. But the outcome sounds uplifting.
I know you have a lot on your plate lately, but remember creating can be like therapy. I hope you find time to relax and create soon.
(((HUGZ))) Jean ~

Linda said...

OH so sorry to read this. We have my 94 year old MIL with us and I do all the personal care so that means I am on call 24/7. I know how hard that is. The to mix in the stress of your loved pets and bills it is all way to much.
Blessings to you my friend and know that many warm and supportive friends are out here sending you much love and support.
Hugs, LInda

Sonja said...

OH MY dear special friend ~ no explanation needed, your heart is where it needs to be ...If any one understands I do ... Prayers for Gunther to heal and no more cancer to be found ... and for you to just breathe ... smile and catch a good wave are due

I hope in time that you can feel the desire to create again, this too I understand... and when you do it will be fabulous I know this
hugs hugs hugs

Rita said...

Oh no...poor Gunther. I will keep you both in my thoughts & prayers & hope that everything will turn out well. Please don't forget to take care of yourself as well. Sending you a great BIG ole ((((HUG))))!!!

Sharli Schaitberger said...

Oh Curt! I was hoping you were having a different kind of adventure. I will certainly keep Gunther, You and Jay in my prayers. Please know that I visit you not just for your inspiring art, but also because I feel a friendship and admire your character, Have I ever said that I do believe you are the person your dog believes you are? Perhaps much more than that, too. Hugs!!

lisa808 said...

So sorry to hear the news. My best wishes for Gunther (and you!).

Anita Davies said...

I've been enjoying your blog for a couple of years now. I'm so sorry for all you've been going through. I'm a believer in prayer and you and your family are in my prayers. Hang in there. As my mother (90 years old) has told me throughout my life when times were tough, "this too shall pass". Sometimes I would get mad when she told that to me, but she was always right - the situation did always pass, good or bad;-) Looking forward to seeing the results of your creativity whenever it comes to you;-) Blessings.

Gina Wrona said...

OMG, Curt, I don't know what to say other than I think YOU are such a GREAT DAD to your furbaby Gunther!

Hopefully, being able to post what's going on has helped you deal with all that is on your plate right now.


abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

Saying prayers for you, stay strong! Carri~Abusybee

Anonymous said...

Curt! Blessings be upon you!
We are 24 / 7 and seeking a replacement for weekend graduation as planned person / s became unable to caregive. Thankfully, you are able and caring as the day goes, with blessing, friend.
How goes computer change overs? Adjusting and readjusting as a few opportunities allow desk time.
Keep Looking UP!

Karenladd said...

Oh Curt, so sorry to hear about Gunther but thank goodness you noticed the problem and had it taken care of. Hoping they got it all and that he will be fine. You are a blessing to Gunther and Jay, and were to Shotsy as well. Take care and the creating will come in time. Please let us know how things go and know that you have a ton of love coming at you from blogland!

Krissy said...

Oh Curt, of course we understand! Sending you hugs and healing thoughts!

Ann Schach said...

I'm so sorry to hear this, Curt. Brody has had two tumors removed...we call them Boxer Bumps...and we have been able to successfully get it all in both instances. His chemo consisted of prednisone. I know how stressful the waiting and wondering is. It really takes its toll. You and Gunther will be in our thoughts and prayers. Big hugs are headed your way!

Gail L said...

Well Curt, my mind & heart are with you!
Sending strong vibes your way....I'd love to send the cold we've been having and the S word, but that would just be mean!
We have no leaves on our trees yet!!
I don't think we're getting Spring at all.
Anyhoo, you look after you & yours, and we'll be thinking about you!

Becky said...

OH Curt, my heart just goes out to you and Gunther..Sending you both hugs :)

Elaine M said...

Prayers and hugs - hugs and prayers - you are all in my heart.

Shirley said...

Oh my goodness, Curt, forget about visiting us and let us visit and comfort you! I can't imagine what has been going through your mind. I am so so sorry, my friend. If you lived closer I would be glad to come over and help with all of it. Don't know if I could find my way there in my car. LOLOL So much for that. Starting now I am sending well wishes Gunther's way and much energy and comfort your way. I can't imagine how tired you must be. I would feel like doing anything extra either. Please know I am thinking about you and you take care of you with what little time you probably have to yourself....NONE! Big hugs to you DF and much love too. Don't be afraid to let others help if they offer. Miss know it all here. Hugs and love,
Shirley in NC

Lorraine's blog said...

Sending a great big hug from Jersey Channel Islands xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Glittered Paws said...

Curt - I came over to your blog on a whim just to see if anything new was going on and I was so saddened to hear about Gunther, have faith friend and know a lot of people are keeping you in their prayers and thoughts. It has been almost a year since we lost Stella and I still tear up when I think about her. You take care of you, Gunther and Jay, we will all still be here.

Brenda in IN said...

I'm so very sorry to hear about Gunther but since the vet got all of the tumor there is hope. It is just so hard to hear that kind of news and I feel so bad for you. I know what the pressure is like and hope you can keep a positive attitude and keep on going. We are all here for you.

Unknown said...

I am so sorry to hear this Curt. I will be praying for all of you. {{Hugs}}

Patti J said...

How did I miss this post? I dropped by tonight just to see what you've been up to while I've been busy with things here. Oh dear, Curt. I cannot believe this. Poor Gunn, and poor you. I can't imagine how you are even getting through each day. Please know that we are thinking of you, and sending up prayers for your sweet fur baby. Please try to update us as you get news. We will be here when you feel up to posting again.

Becky said...

Hi Curt, just checking in to see if you are ok. :)

Jocelyn aka JoBear2 said...

Hi Curt, I am so sorry to hear about Gunther's cancer. As if you haven't been through enough this past year or so!! Just want you to know that I am thinking of you and Jay and sending many {{{{{hugs}}}}.

Jocelyn x
Instead of Ironing Blogspot

Unknown said...

Hi Curt, I was just thinking of you and thought I would stop by and tell you that I am still sending prayers for all of you. Just want you to know we are here for you.

Alli said...

Thinking of you Curt!
Chin up my fine fellow!!!!

Janine said...

Hey Curt!! Lots going on in your life right now!! The cards can wait!!
Keeping everyone in my thoughts!!

Krissy said...

Just thought I'd check in to let you know I'm thinking about you. Sending hugs and good thoughts!

Gina Wrona said...

been thinking about you lately, and popped in to see what you've been up to. You definitely have your hands full in more ways than one. I sure hope Gunther is doing better since you posted this status. I will include him and you in my morning daily prayers. Take care my friend,

Unknown said...

Always thinking of you my friend. I hope things are going okay with Gunther. I know it's been a hard road for you to travel these past few months but I pray that God's love will be the light at the end of the tunnel very soon. Take care, be well and look up!
Hugs, Cheryl

Lorraine A said...

Hi Curt, I am so sorry to hear this, hope Gunther has made a full recovery and he is OK now.
Sorry I haven't popped by recently, summer has been hectic with visitors and whatnot but I do think of you often
hope Jay is doing well too xx

sending hugs
Lols x x x

Papier Creatif said...

Don't ask me why, Curt, but you crossed my mind a few times recently and saw you had visited my page.

Very sorry to hear about Gunther. Hoping that you have more time with him. The twilight years can be the most tender. And as much as you adore him, you'll appreciate him ten fold more. So hard to go through.

I've been doing digital kits here and there. Ready to move on to something new and more lucrative. Have a few ideas, so we will see what happens.

I'll browse your blog more to see what else is going on with you. I hope you have an awesome day.

Sue G said...

You are on my mind and in my heart tonight, dear Curt. You, Jay, and Gunther are often in my prayers.

Sue from Kansas

Laura Lipe, Pisgah Forest, NC said...

Curt, you have been on my mind since you lost your sweet Shotsy and I wondered how you are doing. Then I found your blog and see now Gunther is also sick. I am so sorry and know it must be so hard on your. I hope you caught the cancer early enough to help him out!! Our babies are our hearts, aren't they. My Gabby is still doing good and seeing me through a bout of cancer myself. Take care and know I'm praying for you all!!
Smiles, Laura

Unknown said...

I think about you often sweetie and hope things are getting a little better!! HUGS

Papier Creatif said...

Hi Curt,

I hope things are better for you. I was going through my Blog roll and thought I would pop in to see what you are up to ...

So? Where are the Christmas cards?

How's Gunther?

How u doin?
