Hey All!
I survived my oral surgery and even have a couple of cards to post. For those of you who want the details on how I survived, I've posted it at the bottom of this post. I just want to thank you all for the kind and positive comments you left me. They meant a lot and helped me get through this ordeal. I can't thank you enough.
For Halloween, my good blogging friend Mark who owns Deadbeat Designs, sent me a gift of some of his latest stamps. So I thought I'd make a couple of cards showing some of them off. Take a look:
These glasses are so fun and retro. The timing of these two stamps was perfect. Jay had his yearly eye exam last week. They are so kind to him when he is there and take good care of him. They go out of their way to accommodate his big power chair and try to make him as comfortable as possible. So I wanted to send them a card thanking them for their kindness. I stamped the little glasses at various angles to create the background then colored in the "spots" on the rim with red marker. The big glasses are stamped with Versamark then embossed with clear ep for the shine of plastic rims. I added jewels for sparkle. I came up with the sentiment and it is computer generated.

One of the many things I love about Mark is his sense of humor. This sentiment stamp of his is a great example of his humor. You can't tell in the photo, but both the sentiment box and "Leaning Thelma" are popped up with dimensionals and I fussy cut her out. The background is just designer paper. I have a friend in mine for this birthday card.
Now please don't look too close at either card. . .I've been on pain medication on and off for a week, so things look a little crooked. . .have mercy.
Pic of the Week
This is a view from the back yard of our 30+ foot sweet gum tree in our front yard. It is massive and so beautiful in the fall. It has reds, oranges, yellows, and greens. I actually see this beauty from my bedroom window. It is so vividly colored that my bedroom walls appear yellow/orange when the sun hits it.
OK . . .for those interested in my dental ordeal:
I ended up having 14 teeth extracted as well as some bony areas filed down. I was in the chair for almost 2 hours. What most people find appalling is that I was awake through the whole procedure. Really, I was. . .of course they completely numbed me and I asked for "laughing gas" to relax me, but I was completely aware of what was going on. Believe me, I heard every crack and pop as the teeth came out. My only real complication was excessive bleeding. If any of you are familiar with the show "The Walking Dead" on AMC, that is what I felt like. Since my mouth was completely numb, I didn't realize that I was bleeding profusely as I was driving home. At a stop light, I looked in the rear view mirror and realized with horror that blood had been oozing down both sides of my mouth. It had dripped all over my leather coat, the front of my shirt, and the seat belt! LOL I seriously looked like one of the "walkers" from that show. The bleeding didn't slow down much for the first 12 hours, but finally got to a "trickle". I took pain pills a lot for the first 24 hours, and now sporadically for the last week. The only real pain I have now is in the hinges of my jaws. That pain is from my jaw muscles trying to adjust to a new position since I have no upper teeth to keep them at the level they are used to being. But that too is getting better. I had my follow up today and he said that it looked great and was healing nicely. I've been spitting out stitches for the last couple of days (which is supposed to happen). I go for my impressions on December 30th and should have my new smile by the second week of January. I swear, I'm so tired of eating mashed potatoes, apple sauce, scrambled eggs, etc. I am craving meat so badly!!! LOL But I can't even eat macaroni yet without mashing it into paste!
Thanks again for your support. It really meant a lot. Even though I had to deal with all that I was going through, I still had to take care of Jay and the boys, and I can't lie, at times I just wanted to scream. There is nothing like throbbing mouth pain that just makes you want to crawl into bed and die. But I'd read your comments and knew I had friends out there thinking about me. I love you guys!
"God, please help me be the person that my dogs think I am."