OK, before I get all full of myself, I should say up front that I "think" I came up with this idea. That's to say, I have never seen this technique anywhere on the scads of sites I view on a daily basis. So, if someone has already came up with this, then I apologize for claiming it as my own. Even though I did come up with it by accident, I still think it is pretty cool, and all of you who I admire greatly for their fabulous talent (Julie Koerber and her Mom Pat for example) could probably figure out other things to do with this. So, again, if someone else has seen this somewhere, I swear that I did not copy this from anyone! I was actually embossing something, and some of my embossing powder stuck to a piece of tape that was on the paper that catches the excess powder. So I thought hmmmmm. . . . and used my heat gun on the tape with the powder. I was amazed at what it created. Below is my step-by-step instructions complete with pictures, followed by the card I made using this cool technique:
I start with a square I punched out with a punch. I think this is the 1 1/2 inch square punch.

Then, I take my trusty scotch double sided permanent tape and fold it over each edge of the square. You can make it any width you want by how you position it.

Trim off the excess at each corner.

Your square should now look like this. I hope you can see in the picture, you now have sticky tape forming a border around the complete square.

Now, sprinkle generously with embossing powder. I have only used silver or copper (here I'm using silver). There is a reason for that which you will see in the final "product". Once you have the embossing powder covering the square, use your finger to press the powder firmly onto the tape so that it sticks securely. Then shake off all excess powder.

Your square should now look like this. . .

Now, use your heat gun until the powder melts.

You can't really see it in this picture very well, but you now have what looks like a silver metal frame. It looks much like a silver tag of some kind. You'll see the results much better on the card I used it on. Just hang with me one more second. . .

I then stamp an image in the center that goes with the theme of the card with embossing ink. I used silver embossing powder here again, and heated it with my heat gun.

And here is the final results. They make great hand made embellishments! I attached this one with a jump ring to the ribbon. Below is a closer shot:

See? Don't they make great embellishments? I have already thought of other uses with the "embossed tape". By the way, these are not black and white photos. These are the actual shots.
Also, I was blowing my nose the other night (allergies) and noticed that the Kleenex box was kind of pretty, and I thought "that would make a nice card!" So, I started cutting on the box and this is what I came up with! They say you should always "think outside the box", but I actually used it!!! LOL I've also included a picture of the poor box too!

That's all for now. Again, if my "newly discovered technique" is not new, please let me know. If it is, then share it with everyone you know, or please have them come see it here on my blog.
Hope you have a great day! Thanks for visiting! I'll leave you with a couple of photos I took this morning of a tulip in my front yard and of dogwood blossoms. Happy Spring!

"God, please help me be the person that my dog thinks I am."